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Common Error in Preposition

                 Use of Preposition

A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a noun-equivalent to show the relation to some other 
word in a sentence.

   Preposition of Time

(1) At is used :-
    (a) with a definite point of time.
        Examples :- I usually get up at 5 o'clock.
                          She leaves her house every day at 9 a.m.
    (b) with a festivals.
        Examples :- He will come at Holi. 
(2) In is used :-
     (a) with the parts of the day, (with noon, use at), months, seasons and years.
         Examples :- He takes a walk in the afternoon.
                           In summer the weather is warm.
     (b) with the future tense referring to the period in which action may take place.

          Examples :- You must be careful in future.
(3) On is used with days and dates.

         Examples :- My brother will arrive on Monday.
                           My birthday is on the first of June.
(4) By refers to the latest time at which an action will be over.

         Examples :- The examination will be over by 5 p.m. 
(5) For is used with perfect continuous tense showing the duration of action.

         Examples :- I have been here for three years.
(6) Since is used with the point of time when action begins and continues.

         Examples :- He has been ill since last Sunday.
                           Since 1980, Shalini has lived in delhi.
(7) From refers to the starting point of action.

         Examples :- This water came from a spring.
                            She came from USA.

                                   Preposition of Position

(1) At  refers to an exact point.

          Examples :- The tourist stayed at the Tourist Hotel.
                             He studied at Oxford.
                             He is waiting at the door.
(2) In refers to larger areas.

           Examples :-  He lives in Bombay.
(3) Between is used for two person or two things.

            Examples :-Share these sweets between he and me.
                              It is a secret between you and me.
(4) Among is used with more than two persons or things  but before the word which starts with a consonent

             Examples :- Divide the sweets among the three boys.
(5) Amongst is also used with more than two persons or things but before the word which starts with a
     vowel letter.

             Examples :- Divide the sweets amongst us.
(6) Above is used for higher than.

              Examples :- The sun rose above the horizon.
                                 We were flying above the clouds.
(7) Under is used for vertically below.

              Examples :- It is shady under the trees.
(8) Below is used for lower than.

              Examples :- When the sun sets it goes below the horizon.
                                 Your work is below average.
(9) Over is used for vertically above.

              Examples :- There is an aircraft coming over.
                                 The bathroom is over the kitchen.
(10) Beneath means a lower position.

             Examples :-The ground was slippery beneath her.

                             Prepositions of Direction

(1)To is used  to express motion from one place to another.

             Examples :- We walked to the river and back.
(2) Towards refers to direction.

             Examples :- He saw me running towards him.
                               She glanced towards the mirror.
(3) Into denotes motion towards the inside of something.

              Examples :- She fell into a ditch.
(4) At refers to aim.

              Examples :- He aimed at the bird.
(5) For denotes direction.

              Examples :- I will leave for Pune today.
                                The Minister left for the U.K.
(6) Against shows pressure.

               Examples :- She cleaned the edge of her knife against the plate
                                 He leaned against the tree.
(7) Off refers to seperation.

              Examples :- He was wiping sweat of his face.
                                Kim fell off his chair  in a swoon.
(8) From refers to the point of departure.

              Examples :- The man parted from his friends.
                                 We scrambled from our trucks and ran after them.  

                                Other Uses of Preposition

(1) About shows nearness.

               Examples :- I was about to go to bed when there was a knock at the door.
                                  His father is about to retire.
(2) Along stands for in the same line.

               Examples :- She led them along the corridor.
                                  The current passes along the wire here.
(3) After refer to sequence.

               Examples :- She came after me.
                                  Soon after, Faraday began his researches into electricity.
(4) Across means from one side.

                Examples :- He blew a cloud of smoke across the table.
                                   She ran across the field.
(5) Before stands for in front of.

                Examples :- A thief was brought before the judge.
                                  The garage is before the road.
(6) Behind means at the back of.   

                Examples :- She sad down behind  behind the hedge.
                                   The sun went behind the cloud.
(7) Beyond means on the farther side of.  

                Examples :- This is beyond his power.
                                   Love is beyond all human control.
(8) Beside means by the side of.    

                Examples :- I sat down beside my wife.
(9) Besides means in addition to.

                Examples :- He is guilty of five killings and more besides.
                                   Besides being a teacher, he is a skilled craftsman.     


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