Defination : - An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action, or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs; as. Quality - Goodness, kindness, whiteness, darkness, hardness, brightness, honesty, wisdom, bravery. Action - Laughter, theft, movement, judgment, hatred. State - Childhood, boyhood, youth, slavery, sleep, sickness, death, poverty. The names of the Arts and Science (e.g., grammar, music, chemistry, etc.) are also Abstract Nouns. [We can speak of a brave soldier, a strong man, a beautiful flower. But we can also think of these qualities apart from any particular person or thing, and speak of bravery, strength, beauty by themselves. So also we can speak of what persons do or feel apart from the persons themselves, and give it a name. The word abstract means drawn off.] Abstract Nouns are formed: (1) From Adjectives; as, Kindness from kind; honesty from honest. [Most abstract nouns are formed thus.] (2) From Verbs:...
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