AGREEMENT OF THE VERB WITH THE SUBJECT A Verb must agree with its Subject in Number and Person. Often, by what is called the “Error of Proximity”, the verb is made to agree in number with a noun near it instead of with its proper subject. This should be avoided as shown in the following examples:- The quality of the mangoes was not good. The introduction of tea and coffee and such other beverages has not been without some effect. His knowledge of Indian vernaculars is far beyond the common. The state of his affairs was such as to cause anxiety to his creditors. If it were possible to get near when one of the volcanic eruptions takes place, we should see a grand sight. The results of the recognition of this fact are seen in the gradual improvement of the diet of the poor. Two or more singular nouns or pronouns joined by and require a plural verb; as, Gold and silver are precious metals. Fire and water do not agree. Knowledge ...
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