ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX SENTENCES (Clause Analysis) Usually when a complex or compound sentence is given for analysing, detailed-analysis is not required; the student is asked to give clause analysis, that is, he is asked to break up a given- sentence into its several clauses and show their relation to one another. In analysing a Complex sentence, the first step is to find out the Principal or Main Clause. The next step is to find out the Subordinate Clause or Clauses, showing the relation which each Clause bears to the Principal Clause. Now study carefully the following example of the analysis of a Complex sentence:-Whenever he heard the question, the old man who lived in that house, answered that the earth is flat. Complex sentence containing three Subordinate clauses: The old man --- answered (Principal clause). Whenever he heard the question. (Adverb clause of time, modifying answered in 1.) Who lived in that house. (Adjective clause, qualifying man in 1....
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