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Spelling Rules


Final consonant

One-syllable words ending in single vowel + single consonant double the consonant before a suffix beginning with a vowel.

beg + ed = begged -- rob + er = robber run + ing = running -- sad + est = saddest but:

wish + ed = wished (two consonants) fear + ing = fearing (two vowels)

Words of two or three syllables ending in single vowel + single consonant double the final consonant if the last syllable is stressed.

begin + ing = beginning -- occur + ed = occurred permit + ed = permitted -- control + er = controller

The consonant is not doubled if the last syllable is not stressed. benefit + ed = benefited -- suffer + ing = suffering

These words are exceptions: worship, kidnap, handicap. worship + ed = worshipped -- handicap + ed = handicapped kidnap + er = kidnapper

In British English the consonant l is doubled, even if the stress does not fall on the last syllabi

quarrel + ed = quarreled -- signal + ing = signalling travel + er = traveler -- distil + er = distiller Note the exception:-

parallel + ed = paralleled

If the word to which the suffix ful is added ends in ll, the second l is dropped.
skill + ful = skilful -- will + ful = wilful

Final e

Words ending in silent e drop the e before a suffix beginning with a vowel. live + ing = living -- move + ed = moved
home + ing = homing -- drive + er = driver

The e remains before a suffix beginning with a consonant, hope + ful = hopeful
engage + ment = engagement

Note the exceptions:-
true + ly = truly
whole + ly = wholly
due + ly = duly
nine + th = ninth
argue + ment = argument
awe + ful = awful

Notice the special case of words ending in ce and ge which keep the e when adding able and ous.

notice + able = noticeable peace + able = peaceable change + able = changeable courage + ous = courageous

In such words the c and g are pronounced soft before e. Sometimes the e is retained to avoid confusion with a similar word.
singe + ing = singeing (avoids confusion with singing)
swinge + ing = swingeing (avoids confusion with swinging)

Words ending in ee do not drop an e before a suffix. see + ing = seeing
agree + ment = agreement

Words ending in ie change the ie to y when ing is added. die, dying

tie, tying, lie, lying


A final y following a consonant changes to i before a suffix except ing. happy + ly = happily

carry + ed = carried beauty + ful = beautiful marry + age = marriage

carry + ing = carrying
marry + ing = marrying

But y following a vowel does not change.
pray + ed = prayed
play + er = player

Notice a few exceptions:-
pay + ed = paid
day + ly = daily
say + ed = said
gay + ly = gaily
lay + ed = laid

ie or ei

When ie or ei is pronounced like ee in 'jeep', i comes before e except after c. believe -- receive

relieve -- receipt achieve -- deceive grieve -- deceit, yield -- conceive field -- conceit

Some exceptions :
Seize -- protein -- counterfeit
Weird -- surfeit -- plabeian


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