AUTOBIOGRAPHIES A Biography is the history of the life of a person written by someone else (e.g., Southey's "Life of Nelson," Boswell's "Life of Johnson," etc.). An Autobiography is the history of the life of a person written by himself (e.g., John Stewart Mill's "Autobiography"). In the following exercises, the pupil is asked to use his imagination by pretending to be another person, an animal, or an inanimate object, and to invent an autobiography of him or it. He must consider himself to be the animal or object, and, in the first person. Write as that particular animal or object might be supposed to tell its own story. The story must be made as interesting as possible and told in simple language, Mich as in every-day talk. SPECIMENS 1. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A EURO As soon as I entered this fascinating world I was looked upon with great expectations. The world was full of racism yet I was held in high esteem. P...
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