The word Essay is defined in "The Concise Oxford Dictionary"
as "a literary composition (usually prose and short) on any subject."
Properly speaking, it is a written composition giving expression to one's own
personal ideas or opinions on some topic; but the term usually covers also any
written composition, whether it expresses personal opinions, or gives
information on any given subject, or details of a narrative or description.
In fact the word "Essay" is somewhat
loosely applied to a variety of compositions, from Bacon's compressed
"Essays" on the one hand, to those so called "Essays" of
Macaulay, some of which are lengthy articles, almost as big as small books, on
the other.
[Addison's Essays are good models for Indian students, because of their
brevity and simple directness of style.]
So far as we are concerned here, an essay is an
exercise in composition; and it is well to remember that the word essay means,
literally, an attempt. (Compare the verb "to essay", with the accent
on the second syllable, meaning to attempt or try.) The essays you write at school
are trial exercises or "attempts" to express your thoughts in good
English, (School essays of this kind are sometimes called "themes,"
from the fact that such an essay is a composition written upon a given theme,
or subject).
Unity. An essay must be a unity, developing one theme with a definite
purpose. The subject must be clearly defined in the mind and kept in view
throughout. Nothing that is not relevant to it should be admitted to the essay.
At the same time, the subject may be treated in a variety of ways and from
different points of view.
Order, The essay should follow a certain ordered line of thought and
come to a definite conclusion. It should not consist of haphazard reflections
put down anyhow. There should be not only unity of subject but also unity of
treatment. Hence the necessity for thinking out a line of thought before
beginning to write.
Brevity. School essays should not be long. The limit should be about
three hundred words; though, of course, there can be no strict rule as to
length, which will depend a good deal on the nature of the subject. But an
essay should be a brief exercise, concisely expressed.
Style, In friendly letters, the style should be conversational - easy,
natural and familiar; and in writing such letters we may use colloquial terms
which would be out of place in a book. But the style of an essay must be more
dignified and literary. Slang, colloquial terms and free and easy constructions
are not proper in an essay. At the same time it is a mistake to attempt any
flights of fine writing. The language and sentence construction should be
simple, direct and natural. The secret of clear writing is clear thinking.
"If you clearly understand all about your matter, you will never want
thoughts, and thoughts instantly become words." This was said by Cobbett,
a writer whose style is a model of clearness, simplicity and directness.
The Personal Touch. An essay should reveal the personal feelings and
opinions of the writer. It should have his individuality in it. Strictly
speaking, as has been already said, an essay is a written composition giving
expression to one's personal ideas or opinions on a subject; and this personal
touch should not be lost, or the essay will be colourless and devoid of
individuality. So do not be afraid to express in your essays your own views,
and do not be content with repeating the opinions of others. Let there be a
note of sincerity in all that you write.
To sum up :- An essay must be a unity, treating in an orderly manner of
one subject; it should be concisely written and not too long, and the style
should by simple, direct and clear; and it should have an individuality, or
show the personal touch of the writer. Three features are necessary in a good
essay - suitable subject-matter, proper arrangement, and adequate power of
expression. Where all these three are presents, the essay will be a success.
Essays may be classified as Narrative Essays, Descriptive Essays,
Expository Essays, Reflective Essays and Imaginative Essays. The classification
is useful, so long as it is remembered that these classes are not mutually
exclusive, and that some essays may partake of the peculiarities of more than
one class. For example, a narrative essay may contain a good deal of
description; and essays of all classes should be more or less reflective, for
the original idea of this form of composition is an expression of the writer's
own feelings and opinions about a given subject. For this reason, let us begin
with :-
Reflective Essays :-
A reflection is a thought on some subject-on an idea arising in the
mind. So a reflective essay consists of reflections or thoughts on some topic,
which is generally of an abstract nature; for example; (a) habits, qualities,
etc., such as truthfulness, thrift, temperance, cowardice, heroism, patriotism,
industry, etc., (b) social, political and domestic topics, such as riches and
poverty, caste, democracy, liberty, government, family life, education,
marriage, business, etc., (c) philosophical subjects, such as right and wrong,
reality, consciousness, the meaning of the universe, etc.; or (d) religious and
theological topics.
In treating such themes, you should try (i) to explain, for example, the
importance or advantages of possessing good habits and qualities, and the risks
and disadvantages of lacking them; and quote stories, fables, or historical or
literary references in support of your statements; (ii) discuss the importance
of social institutions etc.; (iii) expound and discuss philosophical and
theological theories. You should reason and support your statements with
arguments and facts.
Narrative Essays :-
A narrative essay consists mainly in the narration of some event, or
series of events. I say "mainly" because a narrative essay must not
be confused with a short story or bits of history. The narrative it relates
should be treated as a subject for thought and comment, and so the essay should
be more or less reflective. Narrative essays may treat of- (a) historical
stories or legends (e.g., the reign of Akbar, the story of Rama and Sita); (b)
biographies (e.g., life of Shivajee, or of Babar); (c) incidents>(e.g., a
street quarrel, a festival, a marriage); (d) an accident or natural disaster
(e.g., a flood, a fire, a ship-wreck, an earthquake; (e) a journey or voyage;
(f) a story (real or imaginary).
Descriptive Essays :-
A descriptive essay consists of a description of some place or thing;
e.g., (a) animals, plants, minerals (such as the elephant, the pipal tree,
coal); (b) towns, countries, buildings, etc., (e.g., Mumbai, Italy, the Taj
Mahal); (c) aspects and phe-
nomena of nature (such as volcanoes, the monsoon, sunlight, organic
life); and (d) manufactured articles (such as motor-cars, steam-engines, silk,
paper, etc.).
4. Expository Essays :-
An expository (or explanatory) essay consists of an exposition or
explanation of some subject; e.g. : (a) institutions, industries, occupations
{e.g., parliament, the press, silk-weaving, farming, etc.): (b) scientific
topics (such as gravitation, evolution, astronomy, etc.); (c) literary topics
(such as the nature of poetry, prose styles, the genius of Shakespeare, the
novels of Scott, history of fiction, etc.).
5. Imaginative Essays :-
Essays on subjects such as the feelings and experiences of the sailor
wrecked on a desert island may be called imaginative Essays. In such the writer
is called to place himself in imagination in a position of which he has had no
actual experience. Such subjects as "If I were a king," or "The
autobiography of a horse," would call for imaginative essays.
1. General Preparation:-
One of the chief difficulties young people feel in essay-writing is lack
of matter. They do not easily find anything to say about a subject. This is
natural, because their experience and general reading are limited. But it may
be remedied by reading, and by training the power of observation.
Reading :- Bacon said, "Reading maketh a full man"; that is, a
person who reads much and widely stores his mind with a large variety of facts,
thoughts, illustrations and general information. If you want to write good
essays you must acquire a love of reading-not simply reading stories for
amusement, but reading good books of history, travel, biography and science.
Fill your mind with fine thoughts and accurate information. By so doing you
will become "a full man", and "a full man" can always find
plenty to say on most subjects.
Observation :-But all knowledge does not come from books. "We may
learn much from the life around us - what we see and hear and observe for
ourselves. Keep eyes and ears open, and learn from your own experience. Practise
writing short descriptions of what you see in everyday life - the people you
meet, bits of scenery that strike you, buildings, street scenes, trees and
flowers, hills and valleys, the habits of animals and birds. Don't be contented
with reading other people's description of such things, but see them for
yourself It is surprising what a lot may be learnt from personal observation.
Conversation :- Books are written by men and women; and if we can learn
from the books they write, we can learn also from the words they say. Listen to
people's conversation; get them to talk to you about the things they know, and
discuss subjects that interest you, with your friends. In this way, also, you
may learn much.
A writer reads, observes, and gets people to talk; and in these ways he
is always enriching his mind with ideas and knowledge.
2. Special Preparation :-
Now we come to the special preparation needed for writing an essay on
some particular subject; and the first thing we must do is to define the subject.
Defining the Subject :- It is very important that you should have a
clear and accurate conception of the subject of the essay before you attempt to
write on it-what exactly it is and (equally important) what it is not. Some
subjects are so simple that you can scarcely make a mistake about them; but
some want looking into to define them exactly. For example, "The Uses of
Computers". The subject is not how computers work. Nor is it the history
of computers. Yet some students, carelessly reading the subject, might easily
take up a large part of their essay with such topics. In a short school-essay
there is no room for irrelevant matter. You have to come to the point at once,
and start away with the subject. The subject in this case is the uses of
computers in offices, in industries, in aircraft, in spacecraft, etc. It is,
therefore, very necessary that you should define the subject clearly in your
own mind, or you may waste much time and paper in writing on more or less
irrelevant matters.
Collecting materials :- (i) Reading up the Subject :- When you have got
a clear idea of your subject, the next step will be to think of what you can
say about it. Some subjects are so simple that a little reflection should
supply you with sufficient material for a short essay; but for others, special
information will be needed for which you may have to do some special reading.
For instance, if you have to write about some historical subjects, or give a
description of some country you have seen, you will have to get hold of some
book and read the subject up. But in any case, you have to collect materials
for your essay before you can write it. In schools, class-discussions on the
subject, under the guidance of the teacher, are very helpful in this stage of
special preparation. In any case, do not attempt to write the essay before you
have given some time to thinking over what you can say on the subject. The
common habit of beginning to write down the first thing that comes into one's
head, without knowing what is to come next, is fatal to good essay-writing.
Collection :- As you think over the subject, ideas, facts, and
illustrations will pass through your mind. But if you don't catch them as they
come, you may forget them just when you want them. So, as you catch birds and
put them in a cage, catch and cage these fleeting thoughts by jotting them down
on a piece of paper just as they come into your head, without troubling
yourself at this stage about their order or suitability. You can examine the
birds thus causht at vour lei-
sure later. (To save time afterwards, and for convenience of reference,
number these notes as you jot them down.)
Selection :- When you think you have collected enough material for your
essay, or you can't think of any more points, read over the notes you have
jotted down to select the points most suitable for your purpose. Examine at
your leisure the birds in the cage, to see what they are worth. You may find
that some points are not very relevant or won't fit in; cross them out. You may
find that some are mere repetitions of others; and others may be simply
illustrations to be brought under main heads. This process of selection will
probably suggest to you in a general way the line of thought you may follow in
the essay.
Logical Arrangement :- Now you should be ready to decide on the line of
thought of the essay, i.e., the logical order in which you can arrange the
points you have selected. The necessity of thus arranging your thoughts
according to some ordinary plan cannot be too strongly insisted upon. Without
it, the essay will probably be badly arranged, rambling, disproportioned, and
full of repetitions and irrel-evancies.
Making the outline :- Bearing your subject definitely in your mind and
with your purpose clearly before you, sketch out a bare outline of the main
heads, under which you will arrange your various materials in a natural,
logical and convincing order - from a brief Introduction to an effective
Filling in the Outline :- Having thus mapped out the main points with
which you are going to deal, arrange the ideas you have collected each under
its proper main head, rejecting all those not really relevant to your subject
or which simply repeat other thoughts, and taking care that each really belongs
to the division in which you place it. You will now have a full outline, which
is to be a guide to you in writing the essay. But this is not the essay, but
only its well-articulated skeleton. You must now clothe the skeleton with
flesh, and (most difficult of all) breathe into it the breath of life, before
you can call your production an essay.
To illustrate this method of collecting materials and drawing up an
outline, let us work out together a simple example for an essay on, say,
"The Elephant."
The subject is so simple, that we need not spend
any time defining it. What is wanted is evidently a Descriptive Essay, and all
we have to do is to think of all we can say about the Elephant,
So we can set to work at once catching and caging our birds, or, in
other words, jotting down, as they come into our mind, all we can remember
about elephants. The thoughts may come to us something like this, and we will
put them down and number them as they occur to us.
The Elephant
of a]l animals.
2.Used in
- story of tailor and elephant.
trunk and large ears.
in India and Africa - two kinds.
skill in piling logs.
great strength.
India, used in state processions.
caught and tamed.
tusks - hunted for ivory.
and mahout.
of blind men and elephant.
15.In old
times used in war.
on leaves and grass.
elephants, and Keddahs.
draw heavy loads.
Here is plenty of material; but it is in no order, and it will want a
lot of sifting before it can be used. We must examine all these details to see
which are suitable and arrange them.
A little
scrutiny will show that they may be arranged in groups under different
Nos. 1,
4, 7, 12, and 16 are parts of a description of an elephant.
Nos. 2, 6, 8 (with 13), 12, 15 and 19 refer to different ways in which
elephants are of use to man.
Nos. 7
and 16 give reasons why the elephant is useful to man.
Nos. 9,
12 and 18 refer to the hunting of the elephant.
Nos. 5
and 17 mention the habitat and food of the elephant.
We have now classified all the points except Nos. 3, 10, 11 and 14. As
to No. 11, it is of no use to us, as the grass referred to gets its name simply
from its great size. No. 14 would be too long; and besides the story is not so
much about the elephant as an illustration-of the fact that truth is
many-sided. No. 10 might be brought in incidentally, and perhaps taken along
with No. 3; but we may have more than enough material without them.
Already something like an outline is emerging from the disorderly mass
of material. We see how we may group the different items under such heads as
Description, Habitat, Uses, Hunting, etc. soon some such provisional bare
outline as this may suggest itself:
and food.
How and
why hunted.
and intelligence, making elephant useful to man.
different uses.
Now we must fill in this bare outline by grouping
the various points under the main heads. In doing this, we may find occasion to
modify or alter the bare outline, and additional details may suggest
The Elephant
Description - (Nos. 1, 4, 7, 12.)
size and strength; trunk (its uses); big ears; small tail; tusks; speed.
Habitat - (Nos. 5 and 17.)
Found in
Africa and India; two kinds; lives in herds; feeds on leaves and grass in
Of great use to man (because of its strength and intelligence) - (Nos. 7
and 16) Different uses :
(a) Draws
heavy loads (No. 19).
(b) Piles
logs (No. 6).
(c) Used
in tiger-hunting (No. 2); howdah and mahout (No. 13).
(d) Used
in battles in old days (No. 15).
(e) Used
in state processions in India (No. 8).
hunting - Why and how.
for ivory with elephant guns (No, 12).
alive to be tamed (No. 9) - Decoy elephants entice herd into Keddah(Uo. 18).
The outline will be quite long enough for an
ordinary school essay; so we had better omit some of the points we first jotted
down and marked as doubtful, viz., Nos. 3, 10, 11 and 14. This illustrates the
necessity for selection.
When we come to write the essay, we must keep this outline before us as
a guide; but, unless we are required to do so, the outline should not appear in
the fair copy of the essay. (In examinations, the outline can be written on the
left-hand page of the answer-book, on which scribbling is allowed.)
1. Paragraphs :-
Every essay should be divided into paragraphs, and each heading should
have at least one paragraph to itself. An essay not thus paragraphed looks
unattractive, and is not easy to read.
[A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develop a single
point. In constructing a paragraph these principles should be kept in view :-
(i) Unity. The paragraph must treat of
one subject only, (ii) Variety. Paragraphs should not all be of the same
length or of the same monotonous structure . (iii) Logical sequence of thought,
(iv) Topical sentence. The most important sentences of a paragraph are the
and the last. In many paragraphs the first sentence states the subject,
and is called the topical sentence (or uey-sentence). The concluding sentence
may sum up effectively what is been said in the paragraph.]
2. Structure of an Essay :-
We may divide an essay into three parts - the Introduction, the Body of
the Essay, and the Conclusion.
The Introduction :- This, in a short essay, must be very brief. It would
be absurd to have the porch bigger than the building itself. It may be simply a
sentence, or a very short paragraph. But it should always be arresting and
pertinent to the subject. The introduction may consist of a definition or a
quotation, proverb, very brief story, or general remark, leading up to the
The Body of the Essay. This is really the essay itself – the house to
which the introduction is the front door, and the conclusion the back door, or
In arranging the body of the essay observe proportion; that is, let each
part have due weight given to it. If the subject is "The good and bad
influence of Newspapers," do not devote three-quarters of the essay to
good influences and so leave only a quarter for the bad. Closely follow your
full outline throughout.
The paragraphs should be well constructed and should be related to one
another according to the direction of your outline; and, as far as possible,
the connection between one and another should be shown. Avoid
"padding" and keep to the point.
Take pains in selecting words and phrases which exactly express the
ideas which you have in mind; and frame your sentences so that they are quite
clear and forceful. Avoid the use of unnecessary words. In revising your essay,
look out for useless repetitions and redundant expressions, and strike them
Match the words to the sense, and adapt the style to the subject-matter.
Do not write frivolously on a serious subject, or ponderously on a light and
humorous subject.
The Conclusion :- As the introduction should arouse interest, the
conclusion should satisfy it. An effective and satisfying end to an essay is as
important as an arresting beginning. An abrupt or feeble ending may spoil the
whole effect of the essay. A good conclusion may consist of :- (a) a summing
ur) of the arguments of the essay; (b) final conclusion drawn from the
subject-matter; (c) a suitable quotation; (d) a sentence that strikingly
expresses the main point you want to drive home.
Finally, a few words about your Style in Writing - To acquire a simple,
direct and forceful style in writing calls for constant practice. It does not
come "by nature." As the poet Pope says :-
True case
in writing comes from art, not chance;
As those
move easiest who have learned to dance."
secret of clear writing is clear thinking. So, be perfectly clear
about what you want to say, and then say it-as directly, as simply, as
concisely as possible. Be direct : use short sentences in preference to long
and involved periods. B simple : don't attempt any oratory or flowery language
but use simple words and constructions and avoid elaborate and superfluous
words; say what you want to say as tersely as is consistent with making your
meaning clear. Never use two words where one (the right one) will do. Be
natural: don't try to imitate any author's style, however eloquent, but be
To sum up
define your subject in your own mind.
Think over it, until ideas about it come into your mind, and jot the
points down on paper as they occur to you - numbering them.
Classify these points in groups under suitable headings, rejecting any
that are unsuitable.
these headings in a bare outline.
Fill in
the outline, making a full outline.
Now begin
to write the essay, dividing it into paragraphs.
The essay
should consist of introduction, body and conclusion.
Make the
introduction arresting.
Keep the parts of the body of the essay in proper proportion; and take
pains in choosing words, constructing sentences and building up paragraphs.
Make the
conclusion effective and satisfying.
8. Write
in a simple, concise, clear, direct and natural style.
There is not much need of proving to most
schoolboys that holidays are necessary. They are quite convinced that they
are-and most desirable, too. They welcome a holiday from school with hilarious
joy, and plague the headmaster on the least excuse to let them off their
lessons. It would be more in place to try to convince them of the necessity of
work and study. Yet it may be desirable to show that regular intervals of rest,
recreation, or a change of occupation are really necessary. As the old rhyme
work and no play,
Jack a dull boy."
Holidays at proper intervals are especially necessary for young people,
and for those engaged in hard mental work; for continuous work, without a
break, will injure the health, and may cause a nervous break-down. A short
holiday, rightly used, will send us back to our work with renewed zest and
"Rightly used." It all depends upon, that. For holidays may be
abused. If the holiday is spent in stupid idleness, or in an exhausting round
of exciting amusements, or shut up in close stuffy rooms drinking and playing,
or in any other unhealthy way, the boy or man will come back to his work tired,
listless, and uninterested. The holiday, instead of doing good, has done harm,
much more harm than steady work could ever do.
How can a
holiday, be best used, so that at the end of it we shall come back
to or work with energies renewed and interest keener than ever? If we
are students, or have been shut up in stuffy offices, we should get away into
the pure air of the country and live a healthy, open air life, enjoying games
or sports. We should avoid unhealthy amusement, keep early hours and get plenty
of refreshing sleep. And we should not be completely idle. Change of occupation
is a rest. And if we have a little regular work 10 do, work that we take an
interest in, it will make our holiday not only healthier, but more enjoyable.
Happy is the man who acquires the habit of reading when he is young. He
has secured a life-long source of pleasure, instruction and inspiration. So
long as he has his beloved books, he need never feel lonely. He always has a
pleasant occupation of leisure moments, so that he need never feel bored. He is
the possessor of wealth more precious than gold. Ruskin calls books
"Kings' Treasures" - treasuries filled, not with gold and silver and
precious stones, but with riches much more valuable than these - knowledge,
noble thoughts and high ideals. Poor indeed is the man who does not read, and
empty is his life.
The blessings which the reading habit confers on its possessor are many
prodded we choose the right kind of books. Reading gives the highest kind of
pleasure. Some books we read simply for pleasure and amusement-for example,
good novels, ind novels and books of imagination must have their place in
everybody's reading, /hen we are tired, or the brain is weary with serious
study, it is a healthy recreation to lose ourselves in some absorbing story
written by a master hand.
But to read nothing but books of Fiction is like eating nothing but
cakes and sweetmeats. As we need plain, wholesome food for the body, so we must
have serious reading for the mind. And here we can choose according to our
taste. There are many noble books on history, biography, philosophy, religion,
travel, and science which we ought to read, and which will give us not only
pleasure but an education. And we can develop a taste for serious reading, so
that in the end it will give us more solid pleasure than even novels and books
of fiction. Nor should poetry be neglected, for the best poetry gives us noble
thoughts and beautiful imaginings clothed in lovely and musical language.
Books arc the most faithful of friends. Our friends may change, or die;
but our books are always patiently waiting to talk to us. They are never cross,
peevish, or unwilling to converse, as our friends sometimes are. No wonder a
reader becomes a "book-lover."
The year 2002 was declared "The year of
Books" by the National Book Trust of India. With this note the nation's
capital played host to the World Book Fair at the Trade Fair Pragati Maidan.
On hearing this my friends and I expressed our eagerness to go and watch
this mega festival. Our principal readily agreed and students went by batches
to be a part of this grand event. The inaugural day was marked with a walk from
the Parliament House to the Trade Fair Grounds.
The book fair was indeed a spectacle to watch. There were hoardings
everywhere All for books and books for all". Each hall was segmented into
many stalls managed by the respective publishing houses. Over the years I was
told by our principal about the increasing number of publishing houses. We had
local publishers, national publishers and international publishers. The book
fair attracted a large number of men and women aid a much larger number of
While the stalls had the art of finesse, each stall was a delight to
watch. They displayed children's books, subject-oriented books, books on
language and literature, hooks on performing arts, science and technology
books, software and hardware books, books on finance and management, books on
anatomy and medicine, books on law and
income tax, academic books and sponsored books. To top them all was a
huge collection of dictionaries.
While every stall was impressive, what attracted us most was the special
seating arrangement made for enthusiastic readers by S. Chand and Company Ltd,.
To add to this we were all served with a cup of coffee, everyone of us. The coffee
relieved our fatigue and we were two steps and thirty miles away from the rest
of the world. There were cafeterias and ice cream parlours, I bought some books
which appealed to me. As the clock struck eight. I walked home with the feeling
of Francis Bacon's memorable words: "Reading maketh a full man, conference
a ready man and writing an exact man".
I wish we hosted such book fairs three limes a year so mat we can be
stimulated lo read more and more books and broaden our visions.
I had never seen a house on fire before. So, one
evening when I heard fire engines with loud alarm bells rushing past my house,
I quickly ran out and, a few streets away, joined a large crowd of people; but
we could see the fire only from a distance because the police would not allow
any one near the building on fire.
What a terrible scene I saw that day ! Huge flames
of fire were coming out of each floor, and black and thick smoke spread all
around. Every now and then tongues of fire would shoot up almost sky-high,
sending huge sparks of fire round-about.
Three fire engines were busily engaged and the firemen in their dark
uniform were playing the hose on various parts of the building. The rushing
water from several hoses soaked the building but it did not seem to have any
effect on the flames. Then the tall red ladders of the fire engine were
stretched upwards and I could see some firemen climbing up with hoses in their
hands, On reaching almost the top of the ladder, they began to pour floods of water
on the topmost part of the building. This continuous flooding brought the fire
under control but the building was completely destroyed.
While fire is a blessing in many ways, it can also be a great danger to
human life and property.
Now that the mammoth is extinct, the elephant is the largest of all
animals living, and the strongest. Il is a strange-looking animal, with its
thick legs, huge sides and back, large hanging ears, small tail, little eyes,
long white tusks, and, above all, its long nose, called the trunk. The trunk is
the elephant's peculiar feature, and it puts it to various uses. It draws up
water by its trunk, and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath; and
with it, it picks leaves from the trees and puts them into its mouth. In fact,
its trunk serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. Elephants look very
clumsy and heavy, and yet they can move very quickly when they like.
Elephants are found in India and in Africa. The African elephant differs
in some points from the Indian, being larger, with longer tusks and bigger
ears. In fact, the two are considered to be different species. In both
countries, they live in herds in the jungles, and are naturally shy animals
that keep away from men. Elephants, with their great size and strength, are
fine advertisement for vegetarianism, for they live entirely on leaves of
trees, grass, roots and bulbs.
The elephant is a very intelligent animal, and its intelligence combined
with its great strength, makes it, when tamed, a very useful servant to man;
and it has been trained to serve in various ways.
Elephants can carry heavy loads about a thousand seers each; and they
are used to draw heavy wagons and big guns that would require many horses. They
are very skilful, too, in piling timber. The trained elephant will kneel down,
lift a heavy log of wood with its tusks, carry it to the place where it is
wanted, and lay it exactly in position. Elephants are also trained for
tiger-hunting. The huntsmen sit in the howdah on
the back of the elephant, which is driven and
guided by the driver, called the mahout, who squats on its neck. In this way
the hunters are carried through the thickest, and at such a height that they
can see and fire at the tiger when it is driven out.
In old days elephants were used in battles, and all Indian Rajas had
their regiments of trained fighting elephants. And they still have their place
in state processions, when they are painted with bright colours and covered
with silk and velvet clothes.
In Africa elephants are hunted mainly for their tusks, which are made of
ivory and are very valuable. Their skins are so thick that an ordinary bullet
will not pierce them; and so large guns, called elephant-guns, are used to kill
the animals.
Many elephants are caught alive to be tamed and trained. But catching
elephants alive is difficult and dangerous work; for; though the elephant is a
shy, wild animal when left alone, it can be a dangerous enemy when attacked.
Elephants are generally caught alive in great traps or enclosures, called
keddahs. They are either driven into these keddahs, or led into them by tame
elephants, called decoys, which are trained to lead their wild brothers into
One major problem that faces the world today is the rapid growth of
population, often referred to as population explosion. Until about 800 AD the
world's population stayed below 200 million. Since then it has risen
dramatically. The rise has been greatest in the 20th century. The population
has recently risen to about six billion: it is three times as large as it was
in 1960. It is not so much the actual population as its rate of increase that
is alarming. Experts predict that by 2020 there will be about ten billion
people, causing serious problems of hunger, overcrowding and environmental
This enormous increase of population is due to better food, better
hygiene and, above all, the advances made in medicine. Rapid developments in
modern medicine have conquered many diseases and consequently the death rate
has decreased. Until the beginning of the 19th century most people died before
the age of 50. Today in developed countries the average lifespan has risen to
more than 70 years. The population goes on increasing at an alarming rate in
spite of the practice of birth control in many parts of the world. Thomas
Malthus, a British mathematician and economist, went to the extent of declaring
that, if unchecked, human population would grow in geometric progression (i.e.
1, 2, 4, 8 and so on) while food production could only grow in arithmetic
progression (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on). He was, of course, very pessimistic.
With a population of over one billion, India is the second most populous
country in the world. (China is the first.) India's population has risen
drastically since 1950: the population today is 2/2 times as large as it was in
1950. It is rising by 2.9 per cent per year, and in consequence, every year an
extra 26 million people have to be provided for. The government is taking
measures to check the population growth and a large
percentage of people practise birth control. Recent advances in farming
have made the country productive enough to feed the present population. Failure
to arrest further increase of population may have disastrous effects, though
there seems to be some truth in the statement made by Julian Simont of the
University of Maryland: according to him, although population growth means
there will be more mouths to feed, there will be "more hands to work and
more brains to think."
'A thing
of beauty is a joy for ever'
The grandeur of a drawing room and a living room is best felt when there
is an element of nature's pride possession - a tree, or an indoor plant, or even
for that matter a sapling. Children as of now get to see less of greenery and
more of technologically driven software parks. Fortunately we have come to a
point where we can bring the world of flora to our homes.
In the emerging world scenario, interior decoration has become a passion
and a dictum for healthy living. The art of planting in small pots with its
branches neatly trimmed gives rise to small neat structures of plants. These
plants are easy to grow indoors as long as they have soil, air, light and
water. Plants can be grown in the house all year round. Of late Bonsai have
attracted the attention of one and all. Botanists say that bonsai are
ornamental trees or shrubs grown in a pot and artificially prevented from
reaching their normal size. The Japanese specialise in bonsai and Ikebana. The
latter flowers are displayed according to strict rules.
Write a
short essay on :-
Old Custom. 2. The Kangaroo. 3. School Games. 4. Fairy Tales. 5. Space
Travel. 6. The Pleasures of Reading. 7. Popular Superstitions. 8. The Use and
Abuse of Leisure. 9. Life in a large City : its Advantages and Disadvantages.
10. Advertising: its Uses and Abuses. 11. The Book you like Best. 12. Travel as
a part of Education. 13. My Role Model. 14. The Best Way of Spending Holidays.
15. The Telephone. 16. The Cell Phone.
The Pager. 18. The Narmada 19. Traffic Jams. 20. Your Favourite Hobbies.
21. Counselling in Schools. 22. The Importance of the Study of Geography. 23.
No Man is a Judge of his own Merits. 24. Safety First. 25. The Use and Abuse of
Strikes. 26. Scouting for Boys. 27. The Uses of Paper. 28. India in the new
millennium. 29. Hijacking of an Aeroplane. 30. My greatest wish. 31. The
influence of Cable Television Network in India. 32. The Cyber Revolution. 33.
Nuclear disarmament. 34. A Metro Rail Station. 35. A Wet Day. 36. The Uses of
Rubber. 37. A Visit to a Place of Historic Interest. 38. India in 2020.
Write a
short essay on :-
1. Should boys leam to cook? 2. Is life for us better than it was for
our forefathers? 3. The Olympic Games. 4. Is life in the city preferable to
life in the country? 5. Street hawkers.
Should games be compulsory for schoolboys? 7. An important day in my
life. 8. How you hope to continue your education when you leave school. 9. What
do you think is the most enjoyable month of the year? Say why you think so. 10.
"Playing the game". 11.
Examination day. 12. Good manners, 13. How to keep fit. 14. The conquest
of the air. 15. Ghosts and ghost stories. 16. An Excursion. 17. The dream I
should like to have. 18. Milk. 19. My greatest wish. 20. Fresh air. 21. Pocket
money. 22. My country. 23. Aeroplanes. 24. The care of the teeth. 25. Our duty
to the backward communities in our country. 26. Some desirable improvements in
your home town. 27. An English dictionary. 28. Walking tours. 29. The influence
of the cinema. 30. Electricity in the service of man. 31. The Influence of
Television on our Lives. 32. The value and purpose of a school debating
society. 33. The housing of the working classes. 34. "The man who will
succeed in life is he who can adapt himself easily." 35. Some wonders of
science. 36. The educational possibilities of "broadcasting."
37. "Gluttony kills more than a sword." 38. The fascination of a
great city.
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